Project Bohemia Residence exceeded the progress

Bohemia Residence is located at 2 Le Van Thiem (25 Nguyen Huy Tuong), Thanh Xuan, Hanoi with an area of 3,050 m2 with 232 apartments invested by Vinaconex Invest Company. The project has finished roof topping over the past October.

Taking the motto "living standard Singapore in the heart of Hanoi", from the beginning, Vinaconex Invest investor has focused on design and "R Design Worldwide" - one of the leading companies in Singapore design housing project. high-rise apartment was chosen by the owner to design for the project Bohemia Residence. Construction density accounts for about 48% of the project area. Singaporean style architecture with airy design contributes to improving the quality of life for residents. The Bohemia Ressidence project has repeatedly left a good impression on the visitors.

The apartments at Bohemia Residence are optimized for design, combined with the natural elements of the apartments, while taking advantage of the natural light. This is also the trend of using natural light and air that many customers buy home interest. An apartment with full natural light and wind will not only benefit the health and spirit of homeowners, but also save on electricity costs such as air conditioners, electric lights, etc. air pollution, social resources. Thus, every month, future residents can save an unnecessary electricity bill.

In the feng shui element, the airy apartment, bright sparkle space by nature factors are also highly bring life, fortune and prosperity for homeowners.



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